Thursday, January 14, 2016

When the Stars Align

Sometimes the stars align and it is a great day. 

Today was one of those days. It was the first day that everyone was there since Thanksgiving! I was feeling anxious last night, worrying about all of the different ways the day could turn out. I am glad I didn't let that worry get the best of me, because having a positive attitude to start the day makes a big difference.

A day like today would be great in any class. However, I don't have any class. I'm teaching a special education class with a lot of students who struggle with emotional regulation and behaviors. Today, some of my most challenging students had a PERFECT day! Today was they day we have been dreaming about since August.

My student who had been gone, came back and fell right back into their routines.  This is extremely impressive considering they had  been away so many days and don't usually adapt to change well. All the hard work we did to teach these routines was not for nothing. This student remembered what they needed to do and they did it.

While we were working on math, he accidentally ripped his  box of crayons when he was opening it.  I offered to help him tape it, while I did this he said "Ms. Martel, your amazing teacher." 

This made my heart melt.  They have never said anything like this before. I wanted to cry.

This student struggles with speaking, they usually don't use complete sentences. I was not only touched by what they said, but I was impressed with how they said it.

Today was a win. A victory.

Even if tomorrow is crazy, I know how good it can be and I'm going to keep working towards days like today.

Happy Thursday! 

Also, my student made this cute snowman... I think they should try claymation! 

Monday, January 4, 2016

The "J-Factor"

A few weeks ago, I wrote about wanting to be a Monday teacher and then wrote about attitude. On those same lines, I am thinking about the J-Factor. J stands for Joy. Teach Like a Champion talks about it, Danny Brassell talked about it in Las Vegas, another teacher/blogger known as Elementary Shenanigans posted a picture about it (which I borrowed) and now in my induction program, we are looking at it again. I feel like Joy is coming at me from every direction.

This year, there have been many days where finding joy has been difficult, I won't pretend that it's been easy. One of the reasons I started this blog was because I was struggling and needed an outlet. However, I don't want to dwell on negativity or get burnt out because of it.

I love being a teacher, I find joy in what I do. It is one of the most rewarding things I have ever done. I know it is important, I know it makes a difference. I am changing the world, one student at a time. 

This week (and for the remainder of the year) I am going to work on focusing more on Joy. To start, here are five things I find joy in.

I find Joy in:
1) "ah-ha" moments. I love seeing a student who has been struggling finally find a strategy that works for them. I love seeing the moment where they finally "get it."

2) Students knowing what to do when I am not there. If my class is good for a sub, I know I have done a good job teaching them routines and expectations. Getting positive notes from subs gives me joy.

3) Getting a smile, a hug, a high-five. Just like adults, students show they care in different ways. I find joy in all of them. Even students who are difficult will show you they notice what you do for them, even if it's one smile, one time. 

4) Positive feedback from parents. There will always be one parent that is difficult or that the principal warned you about. I work twice as hard to win them over. Once they know I am on their child's team, that I want what is best for them too they usually come around and can be a strong support. I have a number of parent emails I have kept to look at on a rainy day. When parents notice what you do for their children, it feels good.

5) Play. Making time to play with students; games, recess, gonoodle, ect. All these bring me joy. They also bring my students Joy too. There is joy in having fun together. It builds the classroom community and can make learning more exciting for everyone.