Saturday, August 15, 2015

Find the Positives

The first full week is now behind me. I am still getting to know my students and they are still getting to know me. This includes trying to test the boundaries and see how I will respond to them. I am realizing that this year more than any other will test me. It is like being a first year teacher all over again.

What is different is I have a lot of strategies. I know a lot more about teaching than when I started. I know about Differentiated Instruction, Responsive Classroom, PBiS, Daily 5, Mindfulness. I have put them all into practice before and I will put them into practice again. Everything I learned that made me a good teacher in general education will help me in special education.

What I am finding is helping the most is Responsive Classroom, PBiS and Mindfulness practices. These practices are helpful for ME. It helps ME focus on the positives. It helps ME reserve judgement. It helps ME think about how I will respond to a screaming child before reacting and snapping at them. It helps ME realize the reason they are upset really doesn't have to do with me or the task I am asking them to complete. It helps ME notice the child refusing to do work is hungry, thirsty, tired or misses a parent that is not at home.

That is why they yell, that is why they refuse. It isn't because of me. They have needs that haven't been met. I can see it because I am taking the time to get to know them. I can see it because I am reserving judgement. I can see it because I care. I understand that if you are hungry or sad math isn't important. I am learning now more than ever that it is important to meet my students where they are. It is important to know sometimes we have bad days. It is important to look for the positives, every little victory needs to be celebrated with students. It is important to laugh with students and comfort them when they cry. It is important to be gentle and firm at the same time.

Not every day is a bad day. Not every day is a good day. The bad days can be really bad, but it is my job to find the silver lining. I need to find the beautiful moment where that student can be celebrated and I need to find it every day. One of my mentor teachers once told me "You need to love the unlovable." She was right. They make it hard some days, but when you find those moments it gets easier.

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