Friday, September 4, 2015

Ain't no tired like SDC teacher tired

We've been in school for about a month now. It's been one of the most challenging months of my career. I've laughed, I've cried, I've gone to bed at 7 because I was exhausted and stayed up to midnight because I couldn't sleep without finishing something. I've made mistakes and started building relationships.


 I've also asked for help. Lots of help. I have a small class, but each student has very different needs and it is hard to meet them all. I have been lucky, I have two wonderful aids/para-educators who are right there beside me; helping me meet those needs. I have supportive administration who comes when I call and hasn't once made me feel like I'm in it alone. 

I need a nap!

Even with all this support, I'm exhausted. I'm mentally, emotionally and physically drained. 

This song has been stuck in my head all week...
"I've been high, I've been low.... You saved me San Francisco" 


3 day weekend! I'm ready to get away for a few days so I can come back rejuvenated! 

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