Friday, September 11, 2015

I abhor paperwork! (My seventh grade English teacher told me to never use the word hate.)

In the general education classroom, I thought there was a lot of paperwork. I had to make lots of copies, grade papers, keep track of grades, write progress reports and report cards; and occasionally I would need to sign some IEP papers for a special education teacher.

 I was wrong. 

I had it good and didn't even know how good I had it.


I have to write those IEPs. In undergrad we had "practiced" writing IEPs in my special education class, but having to write a REAL, LEGAL, BINDING document is STRESSFUL! 

Everything needs to be correct, exact, no room for errors. 

There are timelines. LEGAL timelines. Timelines that have real consequences and ramifications if they are not met. 

But that's not all

I also still need to do progress reports, report cards, grading, creating, printing, copying, ect. 

I am not a Type A teacher. 

Staying organized is difficult for me. I like to go where the wind blows. I need new systems, because my usual sticky note system is failing me miserably.

I am drowning in a sea of sticky notes! SOS please some one help me!

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