Friday, November 20, 2015

I want to be a Monday Teacher

This summer when I was at the SDE Las Vegas conference, I saw many inspirational speakers. One was Dr. Danny Brassell. He encouraged us all to be Monday teachers. Teachers who are excited to go to work every day. Teachers who are excited for the new week. He said not to be a Friday teacher, someone only living for the weekend; waiting and wanting to be done with work. The teachers ready to leave before students are even on the buses.

 I want to be a Monday teacher. I do. This year is making it hard. Everyday there is a new challenge, a new obstacle. If it isn't a student challenge, it's a parent or paper work challenge. Some days it's all three. Since the start of school, I've had maybe one day where I didn't feel completely exhausted, where I hadn't struggled in some way.  There have been weeks where I was a Friday teacher.

Next week is  Thanksgiving. This is one of my favorite holidays and always will be. It reminds me of my Puritan heritage, my family traditions and reminds me to be  thankful. I have  an amazing life that I have worked hard for. I know I deserve the happiness  I feel daily. I am thankful for the challenges I have faced this year, because in the end  they are only making me stronger. I will be a better person and better teacher because of them.

I am thankful for my administration, my aids, my fellow teachers. With out all of these supports I wouldn't survive.

I am thankful for my students.

Today was a rough day. Many of them struggled through out the day and some lashed out at me.

As they were leaving, all of them gave me a hug. 

They said good bye, have a good break and I will miss you.
 I will miss them too.
After  those hugs, I know I can keep going.

They know I care and I know they do too. Even when they say they don't. 

I can be a Monday teacher again, I just need to focus on the positives. I need to focus on the love. I need to keep being thankful.

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